Report Abuse

Report abuse on a LensCrafters Store locations and Hours Post

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LensCrafters was very busy when I walked through the door. A lady ensured me that as soon as someone was available that someone would be with me. I was browsing for a pair of glasses and several other people had come in. The next associates helped 3 other customers before coming to help me. 30 minutes after arriving I was finally helped. I gave the associate my prescription and she showed me some other glasses I was looking for and left me to finish looking, but began helping another customer. I sat down for 10 minutes until she came over to me to tell me that she was off at 3:00 and since it was 3:05 another associate would help me as soon as she was finished with the customer. After 20 minutes I still had not been helped. I was in there for over an hour and I left without getting a pair of glasses. I could not believe what poor customer service I received.

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