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Report abuse on a Macy's Store locations and Hours Post

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I went to this store for so-called door-buster deals yesterday, Nov. 19 and again today. I purchased an overcoat supposedly 70% off from the original of $595.00, but what I was given was other product with 20% off. When I pointed this out to five different associates, they could not give me clear answer why the ad and actual coat do not match. In addition to rude and non-caring employees, the manager was no better in dealing with the issue. I have been shopping this store for over 30 years well before Macy's came. The service has gone down considerably. Wake up Macy's. You should put on an ad if you really mean to honor it. Do not avoid your oversight and try to erase it as if you don't want to keep repeated customers. Remember, you are not the only store in the area.

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