Report Abuse

Report abuse on a National Tire & Battery Store locations and Hours Post

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Yesterday I made an appointment with NTB for 7:30 AM this morning for an oil change and check up. I arrived 10 minutes early and found that they were not open. I was able to talk to a man inside that was mopping. He stated that they open at 7:30. I informed the man that I had an appointment at 7:30 AM he replied that I had to wait until he opened. The problem comes when I noticed another customer waiting in his truck.

At about 7:30 the doors opened and the other customer rushed in ahead and was attended by the employee and was taken ahead of me. I did not want to argue with the employee who seemed to have cared less anyway and I left.

If I wanted to come in on a first come first serve basis I would have come in later but I made an appointment that they (NTB) should have honored that.

If they opened at 7:30 AM then the first appointment should be at 7:45 AM for the people that show up 5 to 10 minutes early for an appointment, and the employee should check his log book for any names with appointments before taking walk-in customers. They advertise service by appointment. The attendant was indifferent and they broke and dishonored an appointment that they scheduled. I feel this is false advertising and bad customer service and a bad business practice.

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