Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Panera Bread Store locations and Hours Post

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I had an unfortunate experience at this niles location this morning. I was on my way to work with my husband and I asked them to please slice my apple with our carry out order. The man at the counter said he could not slice the apple for us. I asked why they couldn't and the man said that Panera made a rule 2 weeks ago that your company does not slice apples for customers. I told him that at the Old Orchard Skokie location, they always do it for us but he said that was the rule. I then asked for a plastic knife to take with us and he said that they did not have any plastic knives. I told them that I knew that they had plastic knives and asked for one. He said that they only had metal knives. The worker next to the man told him to just give us a plastic knife and he finally did. I asked him for his name and he said Julio and that he was the manager. I have never experienced such a negative experience at Panera.

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