Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Pearle Vision Store locations and Hours Post

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This place messed up my prepaid contac order, took several weeks to ship the order. When I picked up, African American woman at counter , was rude from the beginning to me. She made me repay for items, stating I was wrong and didn't pay. After I repaid, I showed my receipts to a family member, whom realized that she charged me twice, which I tried to tell the woman there in the first place.I was told to come back in to be issued a credit. The same woman there was even more rude, and didn't even apologize! Once again, they had to reorder my contacs from the first mistake. I am a senior citizen and felt like they tried to take advantage of me. I will never go there again. This lady was by far, the worst customer service rep. that I had ever experienced. Beware

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