Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Burger King Store locations and Hours Post

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I went to dinner last night (June 30 2013) while staying at The Hotel next door. I arrived just before 8 pm. No one was ahead of us and the drive thru had one car in it. We ordered a whopper and a salad with coke and a smoothie. It took over six minutes to get our meal and then it wasnt complete. They had forgotten the smoothie. It took nearly six more minutes to get the smoothie. I have never seen such a poorly run restaurant. No one there smiled or seemed as thoi they wanted to be there. I realize it isnt the best job in the world but any time you collect a paycheck you should try to earn it. The food was substandard, Worst whopper I have ever gotten. The salad was not good and as I said the smoothie didnt get there till we were nearly done eating. We will NOT return..

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