Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Rack Room Shoes Store locations and Hours Post

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I went in this particular Rack room Shoes awhile ago, with my mother-in-law-to-be to find shoes for my upcoming wedding. We walked in, and received no welcoming. There was a radio at the counter playing rap music that was using some pretty colorful words. We were the only customers in the store at that time, and a employee walked past us twice without even looking at us. We browsed a bit, and then different employee walked past us and all she said was "Excuse me" with no smile, or anything. It was pretty dull, and we saw another costumer walk in and treated the same way. And as we were leaving, there was an employee sitting next to the radio at the counter and they didn't even say anything to us as we left, just looked at us. Pretty disappointed, we will not be going back anytime soon in the future.

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