Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Burger King Store locations and Hours Post

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I visited this store on Wednesday September 25 2013 and this is one terrible store. It was far from busy but yet it took forever for our food. The manager which was the only one putting together the food orders just kept focusing on the drive-thru. He put our sandwiches on the tray and left them there and all we needed was our fries...he just kept focus on the window orders so our food was getting cold.. Only when I started to complain I got the rest of my order. We sat down at the table and of course it was on the cold side but I was starving and didn't want to wait again so I ate it. Later that night and all through the night my stomach just kept churning and went well into the next day. STAY AWAY FROM THIS PLACE!!! This BK has been a crappy one for a very long time. I am not ever going there again!!

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