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I visited the showroom and fell in love with a sleigh bed out on the floor. The sales associated said it was in stock and could be shipped in 2 days. Taking the afternoon to measure my room and think before purchasing, I called back the next day to complete the order. I was told by the same sales associate that the king sized bed was now discontinued and no longer available, although it was out on the showroom floor. I asked to buy the showroom model and was told that unless I purchased all 7-8 pieces of the set, they would not sell me the bed. The queen size is still available, so it wouldn't be a loss to the store to sell me the king and put a queen bed in its place to sell with the other items in the set. Warning: although you see the furniture in the showroom for sale, you can't buy it! From now on, I'll be shopping at a store that wants my money.

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