Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Rue 21 Store locations and Hours Post

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So i was in the store, on my way to work, had to put some things on hold due to my lack of time, and was 3 days late getting back so I called and asked if it was still on hold, it wasn't but when I talked to Katelyn the manager and told her about 2 key items that I loved, she took the time out of her BUSYYY evening and took care of finding these items for me, she was very helpful as well as having an exceptional attitude! I will always be shopping at that RUE only, and PEPPER is amazing too she always is my personal shopper when I am in there and acts like I am her main priority! VERY IMPRESSED with the service I get when I walk in! Always a kind hello and superb customer service! THANK YOU! please relay this message to their team and I hope they benefit and/or get recognized from this message somehow.


Jessica Moore

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