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Report abuse on a Save-A-Lot Store locations and Hours Post

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Original Post

Hello---We are just wondering~~ why does your store flyer (ads) have a religious agenda printed on half of the front page? Is'nt that a bit self-righteous and pushy to force the public to have to view your particular religious agenda when we are trying to view your FOOD BUYS for the week? I mean, are you a church or a store???? LOL! I mean really, nobody really cares about your personal views--you probably should keep them out of your public store arena so that you don't lose any business, don't you think? And maybe you should concentrate more on treating your help more responsibly instead of concentrating on this stuff---you know, like pay the cashiers stockers, etc a decent living wage and give them benefits so that they don't have to get help from welfare or other places--Now THAT would REALLY be doing God's work by actually helping all of God's children by playing fair with them as far as wages and benefits go that is.----Thankyou.

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