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Report abuse on a Tim Hortons Store locations and Hours Post

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This is one of the worst Tim Hortons ever!! Besides from the obvious language barrier that some of its staff has by not speaking or understanding English or French properly, their toaster is broken or they don't care to toast your bagels or sandwiches (nobody likes a raw bagel!!) I just moved to the area and thought this would be my Tim's of choice for logistical purposes but I'll never go there again, they have messed up my orders everyday I've been there. I just ordered a turkey bacon club sandwich and I got a mayo soaked bread with 2 slices of cheese bacon and lettuce!! Sounds like a good sandwich NOT!! Oh and their DD is black coffee. Yummy!! Puke!! Stay away from this location, there are others down the road. It's time to stand up Winnipeg don't take this crap from local establishments!!

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