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Report abuse on a Sears Portrait Store locations and Hours Post

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I had a miserable experience with this studio. I made an appointment for family holiday photos and Christmas cards. The photographer had no idea of how to arrange the photo and her idea of engaging children of 6, 4, 2, and 2 months of age was to say smile in a voice too quiet for them even to hear. She did nothing whatsoever to engage the children. When my husband and I engaged the children for individual portraits, the photographer sat there holding the camera and was not even able to snap a photo when we got the kids to smile. I don't think she had any experience or ability. I only ordered the poor-quality photos because I wanted to send Christmas cards. I had the pictures taken on Dec. 2, and was told it would take 2 weeks for them to arrive. It is now Dec. 29 and the photos still have not arrived! Needless to say no Christmas cards got sent! Also, my husband and I both called the studio about our photos after the two weeks had expired, and the studio never answered any calls or returned them! This studio provides extremely poor photography and extremely poor customer service. Save yourself $150 and go elsewhere.

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