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Report abuse on a Stop & Shop Store locations and Hours Post

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I do not shop at Stop and shop weekly, but when I am going to be in the area that is my store of choice. I love the selection in the produce and meat departments. I have also been lucky enough to find "new" items available. So I was recently disappointed when I was browsing the produce/fresh cheese/salad bar area. There was a very unpleasant smell. It was not the food, from what I could tell it was either the refrigeration units or the salad bar area. The food looked fresh, but the smell was such a turn off I would not buy cheese or fish. It reminded me of the "food network" show restaurant impossible, when the host complains that the old rugs smell or the kitchen has disscussting things hidden that the customer would never know! I am sorry to say, I am weary of returning to that branch. I hope that the right person may get this email and look into the situation and helpfully resolve what ever may be the cause. Thank you for this forum to voice questions and concerns.

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