Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Shell Store locations and Hours Post

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Try to have a man by your side and you will be Ok. Otherwise something will be found on your car that urgently needs to be changed, repaired etc...when you just went in for a simple oil change. Two years ago, I went to the station and this happened to me. But there was new management so I thought I would give it a try. My husband had a very good experience as well. So while I was there a woman was very upset about a new problem with her car that was found. I needed a flax fixed and I thought she's probably unnecessarily upset. After they fixed the flat (which stupidly I didn't watch), they said I needed my tires rotated.I said I had that done a few months ago, but I forgot the details. They reassured me, "yes, you need your tires rotated." I said, "ok do it." Later, I found the paperwork, I had it done 4 months ago. The car doesn't have a good, balanced feel now. I told my husband about it. He said that when he was there while he was treated well, a male customer started screaming at the owner about how he was such a good client how could they take advantage of his daughter this way. The owner aplogozied and gave the man money back. This place is disgusting to females!!!

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