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Report abuse on a Shell Store locations and Hours Post

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Ok so truth be told...I'm not made of money, and it's the holidays. I'm kinda broke so I stop by this station to buy what I can for gas as I'm about to run's snowing out. I ask for 5 dollars in gas an a pack of cigarettes...she tells me there's a 10 dollar minimum. (I assumed this is a typical credit minimum) so I pointed out that 5 + 6.35= 11.35 which is obviously over the minimum. She says "no there is a 10$ minimum to buy gas". I respond " you mean to tell me if I run out of gas and trek here from the highway you're going to turn me away because my 2 gal gas can won't fit your 10$ minimum?"...she responds "yup." I won't be returning here.

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