Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Bennigans Store locations and Hours Post

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Traveling thru from Nevada with friends from Hawaii and decided this was a good place to eat as it was close to the hotel we were staying at. Hostess welcomed us and proceeded to seat the 4 of us at a small table. When the waiter arrived we politely asked if we could move to a larger table. The waiter asked the hostess if the larger tables was opened and the hostess clearly showed her disgust. Finally we were seated at the larger table. Our waiter was very professional and friendly. The food was outstanding and we enjoyed it greatly. When we were ready to leave a member of our party asked the same hostess if she would get our waiter so we could pay for our meal. Big Mistake!!!! She rolled her eyes and got the waiter, then proceeded to greet other customers, but not before she apologized to them for our interruption. Upon leaving she never acknowledged us with a thank you for coming, yet she was doing it to all the other customers. Maybe our looks turned her off as we are all from Hawaii and Oriental's. Not sure but whatever her reasons were for her attitude towards us made us unwelcomed. We will not visit this restaurant again, even though the food and wait service was exceptional.

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