Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Smart and Final Store locations and Hours Post

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I am a unhappy customer and have several issues. One is today I was on line and the person in front of me was returning on a gift card and the cashier didn't know how and asked the manager and she just told him something about hitting the return and he was unable to conmplete it and had to call for the manager again twice,and she finally came and resolved it after me waiting there with my groceries on the counter for quite a long wait. Secondly, there was a quick check that opened a while back which I was happy about but it turned out to be closed 98% of the time, sometimes used for training. I frequently shop there and have just a few items and could not use the quick check.l I was mad about that and stopped going to smart and final as much. Now I am real upset having to wait for the manager so long to help the cashier who was rather nice. I asked her why she did help the first time and she said she was with a cusdtomer. Thirdly, you seem to be short handed on cashiers whick makes the wait time longer and help out to the car harder to get.

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