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Report abuse on a Sprint Store locations and Hours Post

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long story short I dropped my phone and it cracked at 6 in the pm just prior to heading out of town. I went to the store and was told that they could not sell me a new phone unless i added a line for 30 a month for two years. this made no since to me as i had the money for a phone and was a sprint customer. after going back and forth i purchased the phone. i later found out that becuase they were not a corporate store they were unable to just sell a phone. that is not a huge deal, but today when i saw my bill there were a ton of charges that were told to me would not be there. My activation fee was there and so were the prorated cost fo the month of December. Just to mention i did not ask for these to be waived, they told me it was part of their promotion. when i called sprint to ask about this issue i was told there is nothing they can do?? To sum it up, they were friendly but very dishonest about what services they had an offered product. I would not recommend going to this store unless you are in a real tight spot. go to a corporate store where they have more options and employees are held to a higher standard of ethics

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