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Report abuse on a Sprint Store locations and Hours Post

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Went into store to get 4G hotspot to replace my 3G hotspot. Salesperson described the benefits of having a hotspot in the iPhone. I was interested and became convinced that having an iPhone with 4G hotspot would fit my needs. BUT, since I had been lied to in the past by cellular salespeople, both my wife and I asked her several times if we could return the phones if we did not like them at NO COST. She said we had 14 days to make up our minds - no charge.

After finding out how S L O W iPhones are on the Sprint network, we returned them less than 48 hours later. As we got to the end of the return process, John Plat, the Store Manager told us it would be a $35 "recycling" fee for each phone or a TOTAL of $70. He stood firm on this, even though his employee had misrepresented the iPhone by describing Android hotspot features and ascribing them to the iPhone and had told us we would get our money back without mentioning the arbitrary $35 recycling fee. Turns out the contract said "may be charged" NOT would be charged.

Fortunately the owner came in as I was on the telephone describing the misrepresentation to Sprint corporate. He said that of course they would not charge us the $70 fee. Word to the wise - CALL SPRINT if you want to upgrade your phone or service. They told me IF I had bought the phones from them, there would not have been any problem AND NO CHARGE,

Finally Google "fastest iPhone" and "fastest hotspot". Verizon is up to 10 times faster for a hotspot and 6 times faster for an iPhone. I have been a Sprint customer since 1976 - but 5 Star Cellular (the vendor posing as a Sprint Store) has made it possible for me to forget any remaining loyalty I had to Sprint.

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