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This is in regards to to putting a change of address in on April 15th to start forwarding to new Address on April 30th not before or hold my mail because the carrier payed no attention to the start date. went to my post office for this area which I called first and a supervisor who was rude would not even check to see if my mail was being held there so went up with ID and was told carrier had on his truck because not there at post office, so called customer service several times, having it investigated and filed complaint.Been waiting for important mail to arrive before moving across states and now having to wait till monday for call concerning this matter. I have lost faith in the Postal Service because this is not my first incident with them. the carrier has no right to hold mail when no hold was put on and need for carriers to pay attention to dates on forwarding mail because I've received none of my mail in a week now and and I'm still living here un till end of April this month. They need to pay better attention because all of us depend on this method of communication.

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