Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Tim Hortons Store locations and Hours Post

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I am very, very disappointed to the verge of angered at how unqualified, rude, lazy and the lack of customer service the staff at this location provides.

This evening I stopped by for some food on my way to work, in which there were a total of 2 other people in line before me, in which the young negro lady took way longer than it was supposed to take to fulfill 2 orders. After the 5 minutes I waited for her to process the person in front of me.

I was addressed with another ungodly wait time, only to have her shuffle her feet, appear to not really want to work there at all, not listen to a single word that came out of my mouth, completely screw up my order and then provide an excuse why I am "wrong" and all that jazz.

On top of that, the person supposed to be making the food was off in dreamland and eventually comes up to me to ask what I had ordered, in which I told him and he still screwed it up.

I have never been so offended by the ATROCIOUS quality staff at this location.

As an afterthought, PLEASE HIRE INTELLIGENT, QUALIFIED STAFF. Fire these dimwits!

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