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Report abuse on a Albertsons Store locations and Hours Post

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At one time, Albertson's in Peoria, AZ had friendly employees and rarely a line. Now that they've redesigned the store, fewer checkouts are open resulting in longer lines, and some of the employees are downright smug, rude and unfriendly. I am convinced an older cashier in particular is bi-polar. some days she's friendly and other days she's a total sourpuss. My major complaint which I recently brought to the manager's attention is that the deli section is filthy! I have frequently asked the deli workers to please clean off the machines before slicing my cold cuts. today, as usual, the slicing machines had debris from previously sliced meat and was swarming with flies! Several pieces of provolone cheese littered the cheese slicer. I shudder to think those slices will end up in a sandwich an unsuspecting customer will consume. I will buy my cold cuts at Fry's and Bashas' from now on.

As for produce, they don't carry many organic items and most of their berries are moldy. I'll stick to Sprouts for my produce as well. Overall, Albertson's has declined significantly since its overhaul.

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