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Report abuse on a Ulta Store locations and Hours Post

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I was in the Glen Allen Ulta shopping last night. We made a total purchase of $200. Upon returning home I opened my new tarte lip pencil, there was no top on the product and it was broken. I made my purchase at 8:02 pm, I called Ulta the next morning. I explained that I live an hour and a halp away, so I asked to return the lip color with receipt to the store and have a new one sent to me with all shipping at my expeince. I was told no! I must drive the three hour round trip to make my return of a $24 product! I may also return to another store however the other store is the same driving distance in a direction that I do not travel. The associate was pleased to inform to that I may make the exchange at a local store opening in May, it is now January 4th! Do not shop if you live put of town!!!

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