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Report abuse on a Verizon Store locations and Hours Post

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This store is a third party store, it is NOT owned and operated by Verizon, because like Verizon said, if it was they could help with my issues!!!!! This store mislead me, I went in for a wireless issue, the first thing I said was that I didn't want my plan to change, which at the time I had unlimited wi-fi. He say's oh no problem and then preceded to say hey I can save you money, my reply was I wanted the unlimited plan no matter what, I've had that plan for like 8yrs. Well I didn't read the new agreement because my $79.00 unlimited turned into over $500.00 because he lied and changed my plan. I would advise anyone to drive fifteen more minutes down 1960 and go to a Verizon owed store, or if our if prefer to be misled do business at this store!!!!!!!

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