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Report abuse on a AutoZone Store locations and Hours Post

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I went to autozone having issues with my car - I spoke with Jonathan who was a manager at the time, and he scanned my car with the OBD scanner. After locating and explaining the code to me, he went above and beyond to fix the situation. It ended up being a large vacuum leak from the PCV valve, and since he didn't have it in stock and couldn't find it in Tyler, he repaired the leak temporarily with a hose and fitting he crafted with about $3 worth of parts, and ordered the proper replacement valve and elbow for me.

The car ran fantastically until the new part came in, Jonathan called me a few days later, and had me come up to the store. He even installed the part for free, and made sure the car ran well afterwards.

Absolutely stellar customer service, the Autozone on beckham is the only one I will be going to from now on.

Thank you. Ahmad.

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