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Report abuse on a AutoZone Store locations and Hours Post

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I have previously had a good relationship with autozone however in this occasion I was disappointed with the level of service. The engine light of my camry came on and so I went to autozone for the free reading, the guy that went to do the reading was completely uninterested in my problem, I got the impression that I was a inconvenience to him, he did the reading and then presented me with the print out with no explanation as to what I should do next and no real offer of possible solutions. As far as he was concerned his job was done and I could sense his irritation as I pushed for a plan of action. I left autozone non the wiser with a print out that I don't really understand and no idea what I should do next.

I may well go back to autozone but I will avoid that lazy apathetic joke of a service provider at all costs

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