Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Arby's Store locations and Hours Post

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I could not believe what I saw going on at this restaurant tonight when I went through the drive thru. There was an employee standing on a ladder and cleaning up above where they prepare the food. She was using a yellow mop / broom and as she moved it along the ledge dust and particles were flying around the area. A few employees were laughing and I heard a person ask if there was a car at the window. She said yes and a few employees were laughing. A person, I think the manager, came to the window and gave me my food. I told her that I couldn't believe that was going on while the restaurant was open and preparing food. She said that the food was covered. I do not believe that and if so the way the dust and particles were flying around it wouldn't have made any difference. I really thought the cleaning would then stop. However, I waited a few minutes and drove around the restaurant again and to my surprise they were still cleaning above the food area. At that time I lost my appetite and drove away. I will NOT return to that restaurant ---- disgusting!

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