Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Men's Wearhouse Store locations and Hours Post

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I was not only treated poorly when I attempted to exchange 2 shirts purchased as gifts but was told not to come back to the store. Moreover, when I informed the manager "Leslie" that I disagreed with the amount she was putting on a gift card and that I wanted the shirts and not the gift card she was both authoritative and argumentative. I finally explained to Leslie that if we could not resolve the dispute I would be without recourse but to call her corporate office and possibly take the matter to court. Leslie's response was "I will not be effected by anything you tell Corporate". Lastly, when I told her that I was an attorney and that she needed to return the shirts to me as I did not want a gift card she replied "your obviously not a very good attorney". Needless to say... I was unable to exchange the shirts and suffered extreme emotional distress by the words and behavior of the manager of the Mens Warehouse in Northridge. This store does not train or supervise it's employees nor does it care about it's customers.

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