Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Fantastic Sams Store locations and Hours Post

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I called Fantastic Sams to book a hair appointment for myself. When I arrived on time for my hair appointment, the stylist told me she could not cut my hair because my hair-type was “too difficult to style.” She “confirmed” her point by having the stylist next to her say the same thing to me. I told the stylists that I am a regular customer at Fantastic Sams, and that I never had an issue with other stylists cutting my hair at their salon. However, instead of trying to reason with me, these stylists told me that I have an “attitude,” and that I need to learn to better manage my own hair. I was shocked by their level of unprofessionalism, and I told them that I will not be returning to their salon. Instead of apologizing for being rude to a customer, they chose to shrug their shoulders and laugh. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME AT THIS SALON-ANY SALON IS BETTER THAN “FANTASTIC” SAMS.

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