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Report abuse on a Arby's Store locations and Hours Post

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bought 6 beef/cheddar sandwiches, 3 for$5 regular rost beefs, and cheese sticks. I made my 4 year old son eat one of the cheddar/beefs even when he told me it was bad.( thought he was being picky) when I bit into mine, it was rotten (I think the cheese was bad) Went back to return the 4 remaining sandwiches (and the 1 I took a bite out of) The rest of the food was fine, I wasn't looking for a full refund, just for the 5 beef/cheddars. I was told no refunds just exchange but only for the 4 not eaten. the 1 I bit into was non refundable. This is your policy?? I drove past Burger King, McD's, Wendy's, Dairy Queen, and Little Ceasers for your food. NOT GOOD MOOD FOOD!!! I told the manager just keep your money, why would I want more bad food or something I didn't want in the first place. I went to your Arbys at least 1-2 times a week. I will never eat there again after the way your manager treated the situation. Hope it was worth the $12 bucks you made off selling me tainted food. I plan to tell every person I see what happened. I can't believe this is your policy. Your manager was a female, dark hair, working 5pm on 11-09-12 she is the one who told me that was your policy.

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