Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Rite Aid Store locations and Hours Post

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I went to this location just last month and everything was great, people were nice, but my second experience was just bad. Even though it was over a phone call, it was bad service. I had called and asked which doctor was in today, the woman on the phone did not give me the name of the doctor, just said, its a woman doctor. Then I asked if theres a way if I could speak with this doctor, with a tone she said, "no, there isn't, they don't have a phone so you can't speak with them". Not only did it stop there, I also asked if there was a way to see patient histories because I was just there the month before and she interrupted me and said, again with a tone, "no we are not part of sutter we are rite aid so I can't answer any of your questions". Then I asked even if its the express care at that location, and she sounded really upset this time, and said, "no we are not part of sutter". Obviously, I got nowhere in the conversation. I feel like she could have went about things in a few different ways. Even if she had things in a more polite manner I would not be upset at all.

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