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Report abuse on a Rite Aid Store locations and Hours Post

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I don't live near this store, but went in to have a prescription filled for my mom who had broken her shoulder. They said they would call me when it was ready. I waited almost an hour, and went to check...they had forgotten about it and now they tell me that this prescription is $438!!! So I waited all that time and didn't even get the prescription! I think they could have told me before an hour had gone by! Then, I went to purchase two items that were on sale. After I left, I realized that I was charged full price. I went back and the guy said "Well, that's why I asked you if you had a card". As if I should have known that I wouldn't get the marked price without a card! The manager asked what was wrong, and I told her that I thought these were on sale, but I wasn't told that I needed a card. She just said "huh" and walked away! I asked for a full refund, and the guy never apologized. He just said "ok, sign here and you're good to go". I have never shopped in a Rite Aid before, but I certainly well never go back again! They need some serious customer service training.

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