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Report abuse on a Colony Resort Store locations and Hours Post

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We love staying at the Colony Resort. It is located on the quiet side of the island and we always stay in condo #49 - it has everything you need to feel at home, great king bed, pretty furniture and decorations, clean, comfortable, 2 flat screen tv's, beach chairs, full kitchen, new bathroom and kitchen. The lanai is private to sit in the morning sipping tea and coffee and at night sipping wine. This unit has an extra window so more light is nice. Great price for Sanibel. We rent on site bikes and bike all over the island. There is a restaurant, ice cream, and 2 delish deli's within walking distance. We get sandwiches and picnic on the beach which is steps away. Each unit is individually owned - we love condo #49 - the owners are always updating this unit.

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