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Report abuse on a Hair Cuttery Store locations and Hours Post

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Original Post

Hey to Dennis Ratner and Ann Ratner this haircuttery had bad managers and a bad district leader

ladies and gentlemen boys and girls children of all ages. oh why is your favorite hairstyles gone? why there always new faces at this location and what happen to your hairstyle? i am writing this to inform you the customer on what really is going on this place.

The worker at this location are trying to be professional. But they are unhappy aka Hostile work environment. i feel sorry for hairstyle. they can't say anything and do anything. they can't call there Human resources because the managers and there district leader.That right folk the hairstyle will get Fired and they will call the Law or Johnny Law on them for telling the true. the hairstyle got bills to pay and mortgage to pay. they don't care about them. The management is not going to fix the problems aka hostlie work environment in this location. i forgot to tell you folks about the Monthly meeting the management unnessary scolded there employee call they idiots and dummies.

what a nice company to work with.

At Ratner Companies, our vision is to be a company of happy people. And we believe that when our Associates are happy, our clients are delighted.

so much for your company values.

i do not recommend anyone to that Hair Cuttery location.

Save your money – and go to a different locatio

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