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Report abuse on a Cub Foods Store locations and Hours Post

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I am new to the area. I do not understand how this franchise can consider itself "discount." Prices are VERY high, except for a few selected options, and service is poor. The bored-looking (usually female) cashiers act like they are doing you a favor scanning your items. And then you have to bag your own groceries! Thankfully, I can afford to pay a little extra and go to Coburn's (where your business is appreciated) or a Kowalski's. I will not go to Walmart because I despise everything they stand for, but I can understand why people who are strapped financially need to shop there. At least Walmart's prices are low. Cub's prices are not. I will not be going back to Cub Foods, except in a pinch. And you girls working the checkout looking so put out, be grateful you have a job or find other employment. There are many out there who would be grateful to have a job.

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