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Report abuse on a Comcast Store locations and Hours Post

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I ended up talking to 2 people who were both very frustrating. One was a supervisor and he kept telling me that ABC Family (Channel 52) was NOT available in San Francisco. And I kept telling him that I had watched that channel on my friend's TV (she has Comcast and she lives in San Francisco). He kept saying it wasn't available in San Francisco. "Then why was I able to watch it on my friend's TV on Comcast?" He just kept saying it wasn't available in San Francisco. I asked if he was calling me a liar. He said no. I said then how was I able to watch it on my friend's TV? He kept saying it wasn't available. I asked if he knew any logic! Clearly no one has taught him any critical thinking skills. When I was a programmer, if there was a difference between what we thought was the case and what we actually saw, we would investigate it to see why it was happening. He didn't get it at all, just kept repeating that there was no way someone in San Francisco could get that channel, because it was "not available" STUPID!

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