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Report abuse on a Comcast Store locations and Hours Post

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So glad to be saying goodbye to Comcast and headed for Meteonet. However even in leaving Comcast is going to insist one king my life difficult. I'm sitting in my car in the parking lot outside of Comcast on Creasy Lane. Why? Because every place I can find an "hours of operation" says the store opens at 9:00. However I get here and the sign on the door says the store opens at 9:00. Just try to find this information on comcast's website! When I called to inquire about this I found myself in a hold cue that was one hour and twelve minutes long! I tried some other routes to get into a faster cue and eventually got through to a live human being. However this person could not tell me the official store hours without getting my name phone number and last four digits of my soc! Sound familiar? Yah and while I'm sitting here I watched 20-30 disgruntled people come and go all under the impression the store opened at 9!

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