Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Comcast Store locations and Hours Post

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The customer service is slow and inadequate for the amt of people that need service at this site on federal highway . There were over 50 people waiting when I arrived only 4 out of 6 lanes were open For the amt of customers at this site All the lanes should be open ! My box malfunctioned and I had to wait over an hour to exchange a box. Comcast has a monopoly over the cable business in south Florida. Customers pay large amts of money for service. The customer service is slow and inadequate and arranging for someone to come to your house cant be any sooner than 48 hrs. In a world that runs on cable , internet etc the wait should not be this long. Your commercials tell us how you are the best and we should use you because of this but you are not the best when it comes to service. I am a customer for over 20 years -Comcast cares nothing for their customers once they have them

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