Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Comcast Store locations and Hours Post

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Someone opened up a Comcast account w/my name at an address I never lived at. I called them and they refused to give me a copy of the bill!!!!! If I am the customer and you claim I owe you money, why would you refuse to give me a bill???? After I called a million more times, they told me I had to come in to get the bill they couldn't send it to me any other way!!!! All while this is effecting my credit because they say I owe $300 on this bogus account. When in the world does Comcast let anyone get close to owing them $300 before shutting off there cable??!! I'd love to see who signed for this account and was making pmts on it. I guarantee after I wait for 3 hrs in line they'll refuse to give me any of that info - although they claim it's my account. OBSURD!!!!!

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