Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Comcast Store locations and Hours Post

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I hardly ever write reviews because I like to give people as much grace as possible. However, the mount pleasant Comcast has pushed me beyond my limits. Every single time I go into the building it takes me at least an hour of waiting in line even when there are only 3 or 4 people in front of me. The employees always look like you are bothering them and that they could care less to be there. I am finally able to cancel our Comcast cable and Internet because we are moving into an area with more options and I could not be more happy about it! I am tired of wasting so much time without getting any help and still having random hidden costs that no employee can ever explain to me. If you are looking into Comcast and have other options I would STRONGLY suggest you go elsewhere. Not worth the hassle and they have a lot of random blackouts as well. Hope this helps.

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