Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Comcast Store locations and Hours Post

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As a "loyal customer" I have the pleasure of paying 224.00 per month for expanded HD basic cable plus HBO, phone and internet. I now have the exact same channel set up through another company for 55.00 a month. When all of my promotions run out I will be paying 80.00 a month I will keep my internet from Comcast and still only pay 110.00 a month after all is said and done. Comcast is defenetly getting the too big to fail mentality and gouging their customers. Also, anytime you try to pay a bill at this location it takes 30-45 minutes because Comcast is too greedy to allow more than 2 employees on shift at a time. I have witnessed the abuse that these employees have had to endure an it is totally inappropriate.

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