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Report abuse on a Cold Stone Creamery Store locations and Hours Post

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Ive always loved Cold Stones ice cream until I got a chance to order from the GM, and his girlfriend, who is an assistant manager. The rudeness my friend, grandmother, and I experienced was absolutely uncalled for, especially when all we wanted was some ice cream! I just felt like the employee was disrespectful towards my grandmother. There was no one else in the store except the 3 of us and my bff and I had wanted to treat her for helping us out with something. She couldnt have been deciding for more than a couple minutes, nothing unusual for a woman in her mid-eighties, when she was told that if she didnt order something in the next minute, she wouldn't be able to order anything. This was a little less than an hour before closing. Ive heard other stories about this place from friends. Another friend of mine had a husband who worked there and was fired without reason after working for 3 weeks (he was still a trainee... a hard-worker who had just moved here from the oil fields in Oklahoma or Texas). The husband was harassed and threatened by the GM when he demanded answers for the termination, as was my friend, the wife, when she went in to figure out what the heck was going on. (Funny how the rude employees with absolutely no customer service skills get to stick around while the new trainee gets fired, right?) One more account of the rudeness of this place is from an employee of a neighboring shop who went in about 30 minutes to closing and claimed the assistant manager "had absolutely no respect for her as a customer" and "made her feel like sh**" for trying to get ice cream after her long shift next door. As someone who has worked in food/customer service since I was 16, I find this absolutely ridiculous. Yeah, sometimes we dont want customers coming in right before closing, but when they do, have some respect and treat them like the awesome customers they are.... Still love the ice cream, but unfortunately for them I will be going to TnTs from now on and will be encouraging everyone else to do the same...

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