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Report abuse on a Tim Hortons Store locations and Hours Post

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Took me a while to try Tim Hortons, that's a lot to pay for Coffee, but the Coffee is most excellent and so is the food when they are not out of what you order. What I have problems with is mainly service. I use the drive thru (every day) and order more than one HOT Coffee and am the only one in the car. Since I'm driving I cannot juggle the cups without a drink carrier... not to mention extra large HOT coffee that are handed out without a sleeves. I'm sure in a cost saving measure that they have been told not to offer these Items unless asked. Since I do not live in Piqua or Troy I drive every day to one or the other from Covington, thought they might over the past year remember me, instead I feel more like "It's that guy again". Oh, and while I'm thinking about it, please stop putting the napkin in the bag with the sticky glazed or Iced donuts so the napkin can be used. I don't mind the wait in the drive thru, I don't mind the price, but I would like to see some thought go into the service and customer.

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