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Report abuse on a Wendy's Store locations and Hours Post

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My husband and I ordered lunch today at Wendy's drive thru. I ordered the Number 1 and asked for a frosty float instead of the usual soft drink. I expected the cashier to back out the price of the soda and add in the higher priced float. The cashier said she would have to ring it individually. Service was slow and while waiting at the window we could hear the staff commenting they had lost their place in the orders. There was some confusion about whether I was getting a milkshake. After receiving the order we drove two miles home to discover the food was barely lukewarm. While checking the ticket I discovered I had been charged the full price for the combo including a Coke which was not in the order plus the cost of a float. Cold food, slow, poor service and I was overcharged. Can't imagine I will ever return. Pretty sure this is not what Dave planned for his chain of restaurants"

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