Report Abuse

Report abuse on a McDonald's Store locations and Hours Post

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After waiting in the Drive Thru 'Wait Area' for 10 minutes for 2 cookies (for my daughter who was getting over the flu) I went back around to just get them thru the Drive Thru since they obviously forgot about me, I was informed that nobody bothered to put the cookies in and the manager advised the poor Drive Thru girl to tell me 'to get over it and be patient' (I wasn't rude when I came back around until this comment) because the 15 minutes I had spent trying to get these cookies for my 7 year old was apparently the epitome of a CUSTOMER being impatient! This McDonald's is notoriously slow, they forget part of your order 70% of the time and now 15 minutes is apparently the customer being impatient. I feel I should note that there were 2 managers there (maybe one was a Supervisor) and that only one of the managers (White dress shirt) was obnoxious.

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