Report Abuse

Report abuse on a First Watch Store locations and Hours Post

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We love first watch and normally go to the blue parkway location. However we were in Kansas and decided to stop at first watch on metcalf. The service was terrible. We sat for 10 mins before anyone even got our drink order. Had to flag the manager down to get water an he acted as if he could care less also. Living in South Carolina we only make it back to visit my family 2-3 times a year but always hit up first watch. We will never be back to this location. My husband ordered the Cajun chicken omelette and couldn't even eat it it was nothing but mushrooms with one small piece of chicken. The waitress was digging at her head in her hair and it really just grossed us out. When we left the manager asked if my husband enjoyed his breakfast and when he said he didn't even eat it the manager replied "oh" and checked us out and that was it. No "I'm sorry" nothing. So very disappointed

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