Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Dairy Queen Store locations and Hours Post

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I was lied to thee times that my order was being attended to; as my son was selecting another birthday cake the second in a month one of dozens over the years I thought that I'd slip in a quick ice cream to keep me going. Pointing to my son selecting a cake from the display saying he will pay with the cake. After a few minutes I asked the lady what the hold up was and she said that it was being made at the takeout section, so a little time latter nothing arrived so I asked again same answer, again nothing came now getting anxious that I would not be able to eat it as my son may have the inscription done and ready to go before I had finished. So again I asked another lady on the order and she went and got a supervisor who basically ignored me and went and asked my son if he was going to pay, which he confirmed. Then at last after about 10 min's my order was made. Well was I embarrassed and felt insulted; after eating my Ice cream I went to complain not about the service but the lies, I could have easily called my son over to verify the situation; the manager took over and assured me the they were not lying but were making the order around the corner in the take out area, now this was just another lie as the supervisor got my order quickly when my son had confirmed he was paying. When asking the manager for an address of where I could complain he pointed out that he was the owner and invited me to leave.

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