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Report abuse on a Luby's Store locations and Hours Post

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My wife and I were eating discussing our day and for a short wonderful time my hugh stress day evaporated. Then all of a sudden a roach dropped from the tv and started running arohnd the table. My wife jumped out of her chair and almost threw up. I complained to the waiter who then told the manager. Without blinking he just said sorry and went to the table I assume to catch the roach. Do not go to this place there seemed to be more behind the tv's. He didn't even give ua money back even thou we didn't even get to eat much when the roach dropped down on us. Avoid this roach infestted place no matter what. We are home now wondering how many were in the kitchen crawling on the food. Wow my first review on-line and were grossed out. Avoid at all cost the luby's on floyd curl in san antonio.

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