Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Pizza Hut Store locations and Hours Post

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I have had 3 bad experiences with this pizza hut. I tried dine in. I came into this pizza hut which was empty, and wasn't seated. My party stood there for 10 minutes until I sat us. Our server came, took our drink order and didn't come back for 20 minutes. We could here the employees yelling and throwing things in the back. Very unprofessional. I tried delivery. The pizza that came to my home was burned, my bread sticks box was crushed and the bread sticks were stuck to the box. Very unhappy. I tried carry out. I called and ordereda pizza, when I got there they told me they didn't have my order. Upon trying to order another one they told me I couldn't because the register was closed already, 10 minutes before they were supposed to close. The customer is always right is definitely not the moto at this restaurant. Very unsatisfied with this service.

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